Terreno / Lote · 4560m²
USD 140,000
Palmira , Palmira, Boquete

Terreno Palmira, Boquete, Chiriqui
Boquete ha sido considerado por varios años como uno de los mejores lugares para retirarse, y continúa creciendo en popularidad para la comunidad nacional e internacional. Se encuentra rodeado de verdor y montañas al norte, este y oeste. En la cima del Volcán Barú, considerado el punto mas alto de la Provincia de Chiriquí, se puede ver tanto el Océano Pacifico como el Océano Atlántico. El café cosechado en Boquete es considerado uno de los más cotizados del mundo.
Se vende terreno en Palmira frente al proyecto Boquete Country Club. Con un tamaño de 4,560 m2.
Precio: $140,000.00
Precio por área: $30.00 por m2
Boquete has been considered for several years as one of the best places to retire, and continues to grow in popularity for the national and international community. It is surrounded by greenery and mountains to the north, east and west. At the top of the Barú Volcano, considered the highest point of the Chiriqui Province, you can see both the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. The coffee harvested in Boquete is considered one of the most sought after in the world.
Land is sold in Palmira in front of the Boquete Country Club project. With a size of 4,560 m2.
Price: $ 140,000.00
Price per area: $ 30.00 per m2
Se vende terreno en Palmira frente al proyecto Boquete Country Club. Con un tamaño de 4,560 m2.
Precio: $140,000.00
Precio por área: $30.00 por m2
Boquete has been considered for several years as one of the best places to retire, and continues to grow in popularity for the national and international community. It is surrounded by greenery and mountains to the north, east and west. At the top of the Barú Volcano, considered the highest point of the Chiriqui Province, you can see both the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. The coffee harvested in Boquete is considered one of the most sought after in the world.
Land is sold in Palmira in front of the Boquete Country Club project. With a size of 4,560 m2.
Price: $ 140,000.00
Price per area: $ 30.00 per m2